Monday, May 24, 2010

Tweet Summary for HBO Treme Episode 7

  1. Here is a summary of our tweets during last night's episode. Visit for song playlists for each episode. For a description of what Basin Street Records and our artists were dealing with during that time period of the show, check our February 2006 Blog Archives.
    Tipitina's was location for first CD recording on label: The Barbecue Swingers Live by Kermit Ruffins in Nov '97 #treme
  2. Like Jeanette, lived for a year with no sheet rock, electricity or floors on first floor of our home. #Treme
  3. Doreen Ketchum is on clarinet in airport band. #Treme
  4. James Andrews & Trombone Shorty join airport band as they get home #Treme
  5. Jacques Morial playing political consultant to Davis McAlary in#Treme
  6. Best Record Store, Louisiana Music Factory in that scene on#Treme on @HBO
  7. Lost fans: WARNING, don't read this tweet. Gilligan saves the remaining island mate's on tonight's #Lost.
  8. #TREME starts in about 80 minutes on @HBO. Pick up Kermit Ruffins CD, Livin a Treme Life.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp

The 2010 Louis Armstrong Jazz Camp will be held July 6th through July 23rd. This year (the camp's 16th) the camp will be housed at Loyola University in New Orleans.

The annual benefit concert will be held Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at Republic.

More than ever, the camp needs your help. Donate today at

Please encourage your friends to join the camp's FACEBOOK GROUP.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tweet Summary of HBO Treme Episode 5: Shame Shame Shame

Well done, Lolis! #Treme

Eddie Jordan was a joke. Best thing I could say was he was well dressed DA. #Treme

We released Rebirth Brass Band THROWBACK CD w/ KERMIT RUFFINS in 2005. @HBO #Treme

Kermit Ruffins' latest CD is Livin' A Treme Life. @HBO #Treme

Fan Kermit on Facebook: @HBO #Treme

The real Davis, DJ Davis Rogan was playing piano on Davis McAlary's recording session on @HBO's #Treme

And that's the Pfister Sisters singing backup w/ Davis on @HBO's #Treme

Kermit Ruffins & Galactic's Ben Ellman also joining Davis McAlary's recording session @HBO #Treme

Derrick Freeman, drummer w/ Kermit Ruffins is gonna record w/ Davis McAlary on @HBO's #Treme

Tonight's @HBO #Treme teleplay written by Ben Franklin High classmate & friend Lolis Eric Elie.

Wendell Pierce of @HBO's #Treme voted most likely to succeed in my Ben Franklin High class. #nola

Thursday, May 06, 2010

FREE Music for Mom

A FREE Mother's Day present for your mom. When she signs up for our enews she will receive a link by email to 8 great songs from Kermit Ruffins, Henry Butler, Jon Cleary, Dr. Michael White, Irvin Mayfield, Rebirth Brass Band and Los Hombres Calientes. Yes, they are Mardi Gras ish songs, but good year round!

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